Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wisdom Teeth are Gone!

This Friday, Reid had his wisdom teeth removed.  Dr. Lawley performed the surgery and my sister Jamie assisted.  Here is Reid before surgery:

He's ready to go (albeit a little hungry having been prohibited from eating since the night before).

Here he over an hour later following surgery, puffy-cheeked and totally out of it:

He couldn't smile because his mouth was still numb.  The surgery itself took all of 10 minutes, but Reid just wanted to keep sleeping apparently.  They finally had to reverse his anesthesia to wake him up.  He says he remembers them telling him to wake up and wishing they would leave him alone.  When I went back to see him, I was tearing up laughing at his antics.  Some of his funny one-liners while under the influence include: "I'm so out of it I could cheer for Louisville right now." And when the doctor told him he did well and should recover soon, Reid replied in slurred speech, "I coulda been a contender."  In his best David-Goes-To-The Dentist impression he said, "Why is this happening? Is this gonna be forever?" Later in the day I even yelled at him for sticking his finger in his mouth thinking he was gonna pull at his stitches (he was only getting some food out his teeth...phew!).

All in all he recovered very quickly and with minimal pain.  Pretty good for having these suckers pulled out of his head!

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