Sunday, May 8, 2011

Real Food and Rabbit Poo...

For some time now Reid and I have been researching and learning about the real food movement.  With knowledge comes responsibility, and we just couldn't ignore the things we were learning. Thus far we have eliminated 98% of processed foods from our diet (most especially anything with MSG, high fructose corn syrup, and partially hydrogenated fats).  We've upped our intake of good and nutritious fats including coconut oil, grass-fed butter, and even pastured bacon fat (bacon makes everything better!). We are also experimenting with eating more liver (so far every dish I've made with this ingredient has been a big thumbs down, but I'll keep trying), fermented foods (yes, I'm brewing things on Seminary property ;)), and grass-fed meat (thanks to some generous contributions of beef and chicken from my sweet mom!).

We've been getting pastured eggs, produce and some meat from our local Farmers Market.  Here are the kinds of things I like to buy:

From Left to Right:
Top Shelf: farm fresh eggs; next to the eggs is a pack of grass fed beef
Middle Shelf: 2 lbs bag of chicken livers thawing in the bowl (I haven't given up trying to cook it yet!)
Bottom Shelf: Gabie's Black-seeded Simpson lettuce, Rainbow Swiss chard, and Red Romaine lettuce

[the other items we get from Whole Foods including: Bottom Shelf: grass-fed milk, avocados, parsley, apples, cilantro, celery and a leek; Middle Shelf: this is all stuff I've made- fermented beet kvass in the jar and some peanut butter oatmeal in the pyrex; Top Shelf: Spring water, a whole pastured chicken thawing in the back and some left overs]

Reid likes to go to the Farmers Market and browse around too.  Here's what he buys:

So he can take care of these:
And this:

This is our sharecropping plot at Tim and Amie Sexton's.  The plants are tiny, but with a little help from the rabbits they'll be standing tall soon.

This week Reid and I are undertaking similar pursuits on the road to real food eating.  I'll be attempting my first batch of kombucha tea, a healthful raw drink with lots of benefits for your body.  And what is Reid's next endeavor you ask? He'll be mixing up some manure tea, a beneficial drink for all his green friends to grow nice and big and make lots of veggies!

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