Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Just Keepin' It Real

These past two weeks have been a whirlwind, and yet more evidence that life is what happens on the way to your plans.  I certainly wasn't expecting to receive a phone call on September 28th from my husband asking me to take him to the hospital to see if his ankle was broken.  I certainly wasn't anticipating the 9 hours it took to be seen in the ER.  I definitely wasn't prepared for his fractured fibula. And I certainly was unprepared for the serious adjustment it takes to getting used to life without a mobile husband.

So this week my living room looked like this:
And the kitchen, like this:
And this:

What you can't see are the three bags of trash that are just sitting by the door because, well, that's the husband's job.  I honestly have never been to the dumpster in this apartment complex before. 

In these past several days, I realized just how much Reid does around here.  He wakes up early and cooks breakfast for us while I get ready for work.  He washes almost all the dishes for the day, and  cleans out the dishwasher too.  He helps with cleaning and sweeping and mopping.  And even makes the bed according to my ridiculous OCD standards. And while I don't expect him to help as much as he does, it is always a blessing.

Now that he's got the cast and his ankle is more stable and protected, he's been attempting a lot on his own.  He uses this green chair to roll around the kitchen making breakfasts or lunch (I leave much earlier than him, and he's on his own for most of the day when he's not at school).

For the past two weeks I've been adjusting to life without Reid's help, and I know it sounds like complaining because let's face it it could be worse, but it's been kind of tough.  And some times I don't want to do it.  Work is busy (but good) and I'm behind in school.  In addition to his broken ankle, Reid is going through some hard things with school, and it just seems like things don't come as easy as they used to.  But Reid and I know that this situation is not out of the hands of our loving and sovereign Father, and we know this is in fact an opportunity to walk in faith.  I was listening to one of my lectures tonight (yay for getting homework done!), and the professor said, "Faith is acting on the truth that God has revealed to you."  God usually doesn't show us the whole picture of how things will turn out.  Instead He asks us to take the step we can see in front of us.  God has graciously and clearly shown us what's in front of us.  Reid will continue to work hard at school and trust God for the result, and I'll keep on doing what I can to care for Reid and our family even when some times it feels like too much.

I suppose that means I'll be taking out those three bags of trash :)

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